Ronald Homola
Rays Plumbing Service is here for you.
We’ve all had a plumbing situation where we needed expert help, plumbing emergencies never seem to happen at a convenient time. It could be a water leak, no hot water, a sewage leak or some other issue with your plumbing. This is where we at Rays Plumbing Services can come in and give you peace of mind. Our friendly trained technicians will evaluate your problem and give you options on the best method to fix your issue.
Our licensed technicians are always punctual and possess the expert knowledge of plumbing and drain systems to provide you the highest level of service.
Our History
In 1976 Ray Hendrickson opened a small, family-owned residential new construction plumbing company called Ray’s Plumbing. His office was the corner of the kitchen at his home near Hockinson, WA. Ray slowly and consistently grew the company adding commercial plumbing to his scope of work in the 1980s.
In 1998 Ray incorporated and included his sons as partners. The management of the company shifted from Ray to his son Kenny at the time of incorporation. Kenny hired Lorin Erickson to help with estimating, project managing and general office management through the company transition. In 2002 Rays Plumbing decided to focus on the commercial accounts, and as a result, one of the sons started another company to take care of the residential accounts. Ken than decided to move to Alaska and put the company for sale.

Lorin- Ronald- Ray
In 2006 Lorin bought the company and moved Rays Plumbing shop and office to the nearby town of Brush Prairie, WA. Lorin changed the focus of the company to include plumbing, hydronics and HVAC and in 2008 started Piper Mechanical. Rays Plumbing moved to a new location (Piper Mechanical current location) in Northeast Vancouver. Rays Plumbing slowly changed its name over the next 7 years to Piper Mechanical.
In the Summer of 2000, Ronald Homola first went to work for Rays plumbing as a plumbing apprentice. He worked side by side with Ray, Ken and Lorin on different projects. He finished his apprenticeship elsewhere but returned to Rays Plumbing in the fall of 2014 with the agreement that he could set up a service division. Over the next year and a half, this was set up, and fully functional. Piper Mechanical was growing and had decided that service was not their long-term goal, so Lorin asked Ronald if he wished to buy the service division. Ronald agreed and they worked together to come to a mutual agreement.
In July of 2016, Ronald officially bought the Plumbing Service division of Rays Plumbing/ Piper Mechanical. Since this portion of the company was still known to its Clients as Rays Plumbing, Ronald Named the new corporation “Rays Plumbing Service”. Ronald had always wanted to work for a company that took such good care of its employees, that they could in turn, take care of its clients and provide them with superior service. He envisioned that with ongoing training and systems, every client could receive the same high level of care from any of the employees. Now this was able to be a reality. Our technicians have to pass multiple rigorous tests to be eligible to work at Rays Plumbing. Currently, Ronald hosts quarterly dream meetings with goal reviews with all the employees and continuous training in the technical aspects. This method has proven effective at putting the “SERVICE” back into Service plumbing.
Starting with a meager beginning from the garage of one of the employees, and driving old vans, but with a passion for excellence, Rays Plumbing continued to service its client base with safe solutions for their plumbing needs. In keeping with the vision, Rays Plumbing client base has narrowed to mostly residential homeowners that want safe solutions and peace of mind. In 2018 they moved their shop and office to their current location in Battle Ground, WA.
Constant improvements in the shop, office, and van inventory systems for efficiency has been a focus to keep turnaround time minimal. Updating the fleet to more reliable vehicles and having a comprehensive inventory system in the vans allows the techs to provide quick and safe solutions to our clients. We are able to take up less of our clients’ valuable time and the employees can go home to their families at a decent hour.
Rays Plumbing focuses on preventative maintenance and in 2017 we began to offer a comprehensive and robust preventative maintenance plan. Now plumbing emergencies can be a thing of the past! Peace of mind and stellar service gives us happiness and satisfaction in our work life, while the convenience of repairing leaks before an emergency exists gives us stability and happiness in our home life.