Drain Cleaning in Vancouver Washington

Drain Cleaning
Do you need Sewer & Drain Cleaning?
There are many reasons you may need your drain or sewer cleaned, including:
- Drain Blockages. Blockages can occur due to grease or debris that builds up inside pipes as they drain from the kitchen sink. In bathroom drain pipes, we often see blockages due to large items that have been flushed down the drain or lodged in the trap of the toilet itself.
- Flat or sagging lines. Flat or bellied lines can occur when a pipe is installed without the proper grade or has settled over time from bad soil conditions or some kind of shift in the ground.
- Roots. Quite often roots can grow into sewer lines, which can prevent solids from flowing freely through the line. Depending on your circumstance, the sewer line can be maintained by routine drain cleaning. But, the line will usually need to be replaced or repaired for a more permanent solution.
- Broken clean outs. Sewer Cleanouts are access points in your yard where the sewer line can be accessed and cleaned. These sewer pipes are brought up to the level of your lawn or driveway from your main sewer line and covered with a cap to protect the line from getting debris in it. Cleanouts can many times be damaged by your lawn mower when they are located in the lawn.
Hire Professional Plumbing Help
Drain cleaning is something you cannot always handle yourself. While there are many products on the market that offer a do-it-yourself remedy, these often only provide a temporary fix and can cause bigger problems down the road. Our technicians have the proper tools to rid your drains of clogs without damaging your pipes or your property in the process.
There’s no need to struggle with clogged drains when Rays Plumbing Service is on hand to offer professional assistance. Call today to schedule a drain cleaning appointment.